In loving memory of

Regino Z. Perez
November 11, 1968 - June 3, 2023


Kevin Malone wrote on Jun 8, 2023:

"I'm gonna miss you brother. I had the pleasure of playing City Rec Basketball and Tournament Softball with Kino. He was a great athlete to say the least, but more importantly he was an outstanding human being whose caring for others went above and beyond. He was like the brother I never had. I still remember meeting him many moons ago at the little basketball gym in San Juan Bautista. Kino, we use to talk on a weekly basis on Facebook Messenger, I truly wish you would've told me what was going on but I know you didn't want to stress me out. Thanks brother for being there when my wife was extremely ill and passing away from her illness. You picked me up when I was truly down on life. Rest Easy Brother. I love you and will always remember you. Until we meet again "

Frank Perez wrote on Jun 6, 2023:

"It's difficult to choose one memory of Regino because during our time growing up in San Juan Bautista we had many. There was the time we were going to fight over a reading assignment that he wanted and I got (for the record we didn't fight). There were the two, consecutive Little League championships that we won as members of the Pirates. And countless basketball games and tournaments we won as teammates for the San Juan Padres. (Regino was the MVP in most of those tournaments). And who can forget the late nights talking on the phone or hanging out at one of the SJB parties. While we share the same last name, Regino and I are not related, though I always thought of him as a brother. He called me, "Franco." And I never got use to calling him, "Kino." I preferred saying, Regino." Something about the extra syllable captured his uniqueness. I always tell people that he remains for me one of the three best athletes I've ever had the opportunity to play with or be around. He was smooth, graceful, and effortless, whether on the baseball field, basketball court, or football field. RIP my brother. Till we meet again. Love you, Frankie "Franco" Perez."