In loving memory of

John Henry Williams
December 25, 1953 - February 17, 2023

John Williams of Omaha, Nebraska passed away on Feb 17, 2023. His loved ones are composing his obituary, which you will be able to read here.


Antoine Green wrote on Mar 3, 2023:

"Antwan aka "Lil Mr. Williams" aka "Slow-Poke" Pops, always love your talks. You helped me become the man that I am today. Far from perfect but always improving. Never gonna forget to put the Lord first then family so I will make sure mom is good and leave a legacy behind just like you have with us. My life will reflect on how you did something right with us (your kids) and make something that will be amazing. Until the Lord calls, watch over us and we will definitely see each other again!"

Neicy wrote on Feb 26, 2023:

"To the family of Leroy I am deeply sorry for your loss Absent from the body is to be present with the lord. We all grew up together down there in Spencer projects. Praying The Relford Family "

Matthew Gibson wrote on Feb 22, 2023:

"Big brother my heart is broken. I miss our daily talks. Growing up you were like a Super Hero to me. You were always creating opportunities for success. You always excelled and exceeded everyone?s expectations. You taught me so much and were always supportive and protective of me. I love and miss you. "

Emma Williams wrote on Feb 22, 2023:

"My beloved I miss you terribly. We will join hearts again in coming of our Lord."