In loving memory of

Elisha James Aziz
February 15, 1994 - July 25, 2022

Elisha was a loving son, father and friend. He had a zest for life and loved to make people laugh. He loved cars, motorcycles, going to the movies, cooking, singing, fishing and more than anything - he loved his sons.

He is survived by his parents - Elijah and Kristina Aziz of Florida, his brothers - Adrian and Zack, one sister - Victoria, his grandmother - Patricia, and three precious sons - Noah, Jayden and Legend.

Elisha was truly one of a kind. He was stubborn, but if he put his mind to something, there wasn't anything he couldn't accomplish. He had recently completed his GED was currently in college working on his degree at the time of his death.

His spirit will carry on through the lives of his sons.

Elisha James Aziz - you are forever loved and forever in our hearts. We will NEVER forget you!


Nikki wrote on Aug 30, 2022:

"You didn\'t deserve this brother. You were robbed of so much..everyday is painful seeing Legend go without you. Your Legacy will live on through him. You were the best father and took such pride in doing anything and everything to give Legend the best life possible. I\'m so sorry this happened to you and that we werent allowed to be there for you, you should\'ve never been alone and I promise we would never ever left your side. I promise to keep your spirit alive and celebrate you with Legend. He will forever be a daddys boy and your twin"